Corporation and Limited Liability Company (LLC) Formation

When starting a new business, it is important to protect yourself from potential liability in the event of a lawsuit. Setting up a corporation or a Limited Liability Company (LLC) is the proper way to shield yourself against personal liability if your business is sued. Mr. Suskin will assist you with setting up a corporation or LLC. His services include the following:

  • Explaining to the client their responsibilities under a Corporation or LLC
  • Acquiring a Federal Tax ID number
  • Recording the Corporation or LLC with the proper County
  • Drafting and filing the necessary documentation

Corporations and LLC’s are legal entities created by the laws of a state. The law treats Corporations and LLC’s as people that can sue or be sued. This gives an individual forming the Corporation or LLC protection against being held personally liable in a lawsuit if that individual is working within the scope of the corporation or LLC.

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